HomeCooks Foodhall


Authentic, Homemade Food. Delivered. Giving an outlet for chef’s creativity and driving ancillary income.

01 Problem

We spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the last mile profitable. There is clear market demand for everything to arrive beautifully at your door, but margins are very tight.

Hot food delivery is no stranger to this fight for margin. The value stack is eaten up by Rent, Energy, Food, Labour and Delivery costs. And most of these are ever increasing.

Chefs tend to be creative creatures, and working in a restaurant kitchen is a structured environment, almost factory like.

02 Solution

Homecooks have created a platform so that everyone wins.

  • Chefs — by acting as a sole trader they can bring their soul to work. With the ability to earn £50k+ and structure it around other work.

  • Customers — access to a huge variety of ever changing beautiful content at prices below highstreet levels. Frozen to draw down on when they want it and

  • Company —with large basket sizes and delivery costs decrease through national delivery, HomeCooks can operate with strong margins. Customer acquisition is also driven by peer to peer recommendation.

With a founding team with deep domain expertise and clear examples of consumer demand from USA, we are excited about the future for Homecooks.




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